Stacey Lynn Cripps is a gifted Spiritual Medium & Mentor of the Gift of Spirit. Join us as she takes you on a transcendent Spiritual journey in live guided, Awaken to Spirit Meditation workshops and retreats to:
Did you know that our loved ones in Heaven are always guiding us, loving us and can leave us tangible signs in the physical world to let us know that they are all around us?
Stacey is a gifted Entertainment Medium and she is especially gifted in being able to connect with legendary singer, song writer musicians and entertainers from behind the Heavenly veil. Do you long to hear from a music, entertainment legend who has passed on? Greats like Elvis, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Prince, Glenn Frey, George Michael, Aretha Franklin, Tom Petty, John Lennon, Sammy Davis Jr., Judy Garland, Robin Williams and more?
To book a private Spirit Entertainment Reading & Channeled Mentoring session with Stacey to connect with your legendary family and friends in Entertainment’s Rock N’ Roll Heaven click here
*Discover how to Awaken and Connect with the Gift of Spirit and experience Love, Healing, Comfort, Guidance, Peace, and Forgiveness.
*Discover techniques to ground your energy, clear your space and live in a higher vibration to receive Love & Guidance.
*Learn the process of going within to your Spirit through guided meditations to receive Healing, Heartfelt Spirit Communication and experience receiving messages and reading messages from your loved ones in Spirit to enhance your life.
*Gain an understanding of physical Heavenly signs from Spirit and learn how to ask for and be open to receiving these signs.
*Advance and connect to your Angels and Divine Spiritual Guides behind the Heavenly veil for your Divine Life Purpose.
Stacey will be sharing Divinely guided meditations from her newly released album, “Guided Meditations to Awaken to Spirit” for your heart and Spirit.
“I have used these meditations daily in my own life to feel my Spirit within and to develop a stronger Spiritual Connection with the Gift of Spirit. I have taught these same meditations for many years to people who were grieving and seeking a Spiritual Connection with departed loved ones. I have discovered that journeying within meditation with visualization, guided imagery and light deepens the meditative experience and enhances the Spiritual Connection. These Divinely guided meditations have been tried and proven over the years to open the heart which is the Spiritual Center to Awaken to Spirit within to feel Love.”
May your heart open and your Spirit be Awakened.
Blessings of Love & Spirit Always,
When you begin your Spiritual Reading with Stacey, she will take you through a 1-2-minute brief meditation to open your heart, your Spiritual center. She will inform you that your loved ones in Spirit work with your Spiritual energy and her energy combined. It is important to come to your reading open to receiving from your departed loved ones. She will ask you for your name only and begin to connect with one departed loved one at a time in Spirit in the Heavenly realms to deliver loving, evidenced messages to you. Stacey often receives visions of the departed, names, nicknames, memories, personality, direct verbal messages, and very specific information to bring clarity and to validate your departed loved one’s presence with you. A reading session with Stacey lasts about fifty minutes. You may ask a question during your Spiritual reading although most times Spirit answers this question during your reading or your departed loved one in Spirit may nudge Stacey with a message “they have a question.” Stacey recommends you hold your question until midway through your Spiritual reading. Stacey has given Spiritual Readings where 1-2 and up to 10 departed loved ones have connected in one session. Every Spiritual reading is unique to the person receiving and is orchestrated by departed loved ones in Spirit. Your reading will be completely confidential. Stacey recommends recording your Spiritual Reading on a mobile device or have a pen and paper with you to take notes as many messages come through and very often it is too much to remember.
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